SOLO repertoire
Unaccompanied Contrabassoon
J S Bach Cello Suites*
Daniel Baldwin Kui
Michael Burns Blues for Contra
Gian-Paolo Chiti Teorite
Daniel Dorff In a Deep Funk
Philip Hansell So Low
Ryan Hare Glaurung
Contrabassoon and Piano
David Baker Sonata for Contrabassoon
Daniel Baldwin Cappriccio
Daniel Baldwin Kitsune (Fox Tales)
Jurg Baur Arabesken, Girlanden, Figuren
Victor Bruns Concerto op 98
Victor Bruns Sechs Stucke
Victor Bruns Two pieces op 57
Frederic Chopin Prelude in B minor op 28 #6*
Carson Cooman Barnyard Episodes
Carson Cooman Divertimento
Carson Cooman Polpis Dreaming
Carson Cooman Therefore let us keep the feast (+organ not pno)
John Corina Divertimento
Barton Cummings Concertino for Contrabassoon
William Davis Variations on a theme of Robert Shumann*
Claude Debussy Jimbo’s Lullaby*
Gerhard Deutschmann Sonata
Daniel Dorff Concerto for Contrabassoon
Bill Douglas Lyric Suite
Donald Draganski Heart’s Desire
Edward Elgar Chanson de Matin*
Donald Erb Concerto
Elaine Fine Four Greek Myths
Elaine Fine Harlequin Sonata
Elaine Fine More Greek Myths
Ruth Gipps Leviathan op 59
Ruth Gipps The Ox and the Ass op 71
(* denotes pieces not originally written for Contra)
Grant Louvier The Machine who longs to be Human
Erwin Schulhoff Bassnachtigall
Leonie Souchu Three Miniatures
David Stock Mourning Wind
Graham Waterhouse Contraventings op 46
Luigi Zaninelli The Pobble who has no toes (plus narrator)
Walter Hartley Contra piece
Willy Hess Quintet
Ivor Hodgson Concerto for Contrabassoon
Josef Holbrooke Variations on The Ploughboy
Michael Isaacson Denizen of the Dank Deep (+vibes not piano)
Ann Marie Kurrasch A Day at the Park
Ann Marie Kurrasch Ponderings from the Pond
Terje Lerstadt Sonate for Contrabassoon op 113
Ilya Levinson Old Clock
Matthieu Lussier Ballade
Bohuslav Martinu Suite Miniature* (originally cello)
Georges Migot Divertimento
David Mullikin Kasselberg Suite*
Ralph Nicholson Miniature Suite
Otmar Nussio Prelude
Alan Palider The Narwhal op 11
Simon Proctor Lyrical Concerto*
Robert Rainford Solos for Contrabassoon
Alan Ridout Folies de Paris
Phillipe Rougeron Sonatine Breve
Allen Shawn Two fragments
Jeno Takacs Quodlibet op 104
Frank Warren Music for Contrabassoon and piano op 28
Graham Waterhouse Aztec Ceremonies op 37
Paul Wehage Ryoanji
Julius Weissenborn Arioso*